Rozi Zamroni dance like Michael Jackson in Balcony City,
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Pada pertengahan era 80-an, deman breakdance mulai melanda dunia. Bahkan gaungnya sampai ke Indonesia. Salah satu faktor yg bikin penyebaran jenis tarian baru ini berjalan sangat cepat adalah gerakannya yg fantastis. Tarian ini menonjolkan unsur akrobatik dlm setiap gerakannya. Belum lg musik pengiring yg emang asyik banget. Salah satu gerakan yg paling populer dlm breakdance adalah Moonwalk. Gerakan ini paling sering di pakai di setiap kombinasi gerakan breakdance. Sangat simpel dan gak menguras energi. Biar gitu, gaya ini elegan dan butuh teknik khusus agar sempurna. Ternyata gerakan ini udah ada sebelum breakdance populer. Diciptakan maha bintang musik alias King of Pop Michael Jackson sekitar bulan Juni 1983, gerakan ini tadinya khusus diciptakan Jacko buat mendukung penampilannya dlm acara peringatan 25 tahun kelahiran perusahaan musik Motown. Lucunya, gerakan ini tercipta saat Jacko lagi nyantai di dapur. Padahal sebelumnya Jacko berulang kali berusaha keras buat menciptakan berbagai gerakan baru dan selalu gagal. Setelah menciptakan Moonwalk, nama Jacko pun melambung sebagai penyanyi solo yg sukses dan dinobatkan sebagai King of Pop.
Rather than featuring one continuous narrative, the film is a collection of short films about Jackson, several of which are long-form music videos from Jackson's Bad album. The film is named after the dance technique known as the moonwalk, which was one of his trademark moves. The name of the dance move was dubbed by the media, not by Jackson himself; however, he did choose the title of the film himself. The film is rated Parental Guidance outside of the United States.
Moonwalker was a big success at the box office, making a collection of $ 67,000,000 worldwide
The release of Moonwalker was originally scheduled to coincide with Jackson's 1987 album, Bad. During the theatrical release of Moonwalker, Jackson was also embarking on the Bad World Tour, his first tour as a solo performer. The film was released theatrically in Europe and South America, but Warner Bros. canceled plans for a Christmas 1988 theatrical release in the U.S. Moonwalker was released on home video in the United States and Canada on January 10, 1989, just as the Bad World Tour finished. (His tour was supposed to finish sooner, but had been postponed due to some vocal strain, so it went on until the last week of January 1989.) The video had sold more than 800,000 copies in the U.S by April 17, 1989